Tuesday, April 26, 2022

One photo, so many memories!

Very often old photos help you go down memory lane. Going through my archives I found one which brought back memories of my five year stint with Clarion McCann Advertising  where I started my life as a management trainee in 1964 at the age of 22. The photo taken in front of the Princes Room at Taj after a meeting with a  visiting dignitary of Mc Cann Erickson, features four of my old   bosses under whom I learnt the advertising business. There is Homi Kharas ( Standing  2nd from left) the soft spoken Parsi gentleman,  who was also a well known photographer of his time. He was my first boss. Next to him is Osborne ( Ozzie) D`Souza, copy writer turned Account Executive who in a way was responsible for my getting promoted to the post of Account Executive early in life. Ramesh Khanna,( fifth from the left) briefly the Branch Manager of Clarion Bombay who  pushed me from being a backroom boy to the frontline and of course the redoubtable Tara Sinha,( standing third from right) a dynamic and tough  Sardarini who was initially disappointed with me for my lack of social grace but later accepted me for my merits  and gave me the  first letter of promotion. When she became the CEO  of Advertising Consultants India Ltd ( ACIL) she hired me as the Group Manager ( Planning) in ACIL) and within a year made me the Deputy Chief . Due to a major difference between her and Clarion management when she left ACIL to join the agency`s important client Coca Cola, I was forced by circumstances to step into her more than life size shoes as an acting CEO of ACIL. I was only 31.The next two years were the most eventful and turbulent years of my life about which I have written at length in my autobiography titled `Courage My Companion`. 

An important boss who is missing in the photo  is the legendary Subroto Sengupta who had already left for Calcutta after handing over charge of the Bombay branch to Tara Sinha.The photo also features Noshir Irani ( extreme right) the handsome young man who later migrated to Australia with his family and behind him his boss Ananda Mukerji. Standing  behind Tara Sinha  is Allen Fernandes a bright copy writer who later became the Creative Director of ACIL and joined ITDC in a senior position before migrating to Australia. There is Suren Chawla seated second from right who was to make a big name as a media planner in Ogilvy Mather. 

Oh! I forgot to mention Dinaz Boga( standing fourth from the left) the petite Parsi Girl who was my first date in life. She agreed to be my girl friend at a party for one evening on the condition that I pick her up from home and drop her back. When I went to pick her up I was introduced to her mother who immediately approved the innocent looking Madrasi boy(!) who had come  to escort her daughter to a party. Your`s truly , with plenty of wavy hair and  suited -booted is seated in the extreme left!  On photo and so many memories!

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

The new improved look of my home!

Getting a house renovated and repainted while staying in the house is a nightmarish experience. I have gone through the experience several times while building my dream home which was designed by Shiela Sriprakash ,  architect wife of my good friend Tabler/Rotarian Sri Prakash. In  1982 I was probably one of her earliest customer. Today she is an  internationally well known architect. It was just a two bedroom, 1100 sq ft independent home with the main bedroom one foot below the level of the rest of the house making it more spacious to look at. It was the first architect designed home in my family circles admired by every one.

My family moved into the house in December 1982. Over the next 10 years I kept adding an extra floor with additional rooms, brick by brick,  to make it a five bedroom home with six toilets with a 2400 sq ft area. Yes, I built one extra toilet outside the home for service providers who used to frequent my home. The worst nightmare was when I was converting the sit out abetting the main drawing room with  French doors into a multipurpose room which could be used as a study, a family room, small party room ( with a mini bar attached ) and if necessary could be used a stand by bedroom. Fortunately I had my father alive at that time to keep a hawk`s eye on the workers moving in and out of the house and generally supervising the activity. But we had to live with the inconvenienced caused by the activity for over a month.

 When I was being pushed by my children to do something about the run down condition of the home after nearly 40 years, I was hesitant. Because at 80 ,without  my life partner to help, I was not willing to take on the onerous task. But the recent heavy rains in Chennai in November when my main drawing room and the portion outside the guest toilet got flooded twice  creating a health hazard made me think seriously about the need. Besides, the main drawing room built at a lower level was also making me accident prone every time I had  to step down and step up to visit my study. With god`s grace I have survived many falls in the recent past with minimum collateral damage. The main job, therefore , was to raise the depressed floor to the same level as the rest of the house ( see accompanying pics). I also took the opportunity to clear a lot of junk accumulated over the years and paint the entire interior portion of the house.

 My daughter Sowmya offering  to stay with me to supervise the repair and repainting work helped me to decide on going ahead with the project. My elder daughter Kavitha helped with her creative inputs and my son Balaji with his useful comments from time to time. With the help of an  experienced contractor the job was completed in 15 days. The final nail was hammered on last Sunday evening.

Oof! I can now heave a huge sigh of relief. Though it was the workers who were working hard in the sweltering heat, when the job was completed I felt as if I had finished running a marathon. The appreciation for the new improved look of the house that I am getting from  near and dear ones is an ample reward for the efforts put in.  Thank God it is all over!

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Singam IPS – A collection of untold stories

( a Synopsis of the book  containing memories of Singam I P S compiled by his sons- a delightful read)

His name was Singaravelu but was known as Singam, because he was a conscientious and bold police officer who believed in the power of innovative reforms. A lion both inside and outside his den`. This description appearing on the back cover of a book of memoirs of Mr Singaravelu IPS, a popular police officer of his time, sums up the essence of the man. The book has been compiled by his sons Shivaram and Suresh almost three decades after their father passed away based on a number of articles and notes that their father had left behind. The book portrays policing issues of the decades prior to and post independence and in some cases the novel methods adopted in those days.

Born on 17th March, 1915 Singam graduated from Madras University and joined the erstwhile Madras State as Sub Divisional Police officer on 23rd December,1937.

During the war he served as Petrol Rationing officer, at Madras, Air Raid Prevention Officer in Coimbatore and as Deputy Civil Defense Officer  at the Madras Port Trust. On the day of independence he joined as ADC to Rajaji who was then the Governor of West Bengal. At intervals he held special assignments in Delhi- as ADC to the Governor General at Rashtrapathi Bhavan, Joint Deputy Director in the Intelligence Bureau, Joint Director (Security) Railway Board, and as the First Inspector General of Central Industrial Security Force (CISF).

As Madras Police Commissioner in 1965 he had to deal with the Anti Hindi agitation. At the fag end of his service, following the Marxist`s agitation, he was posted as IG Kerala, a job which he accepted with reluctance because Kerala was known to be a `graveyard for many a reputation`. But it is in Kerala that he introduced many innovative reforms which made him a very popular police officer among both the public and the government.  Among the nearly 72 different reforms he introduced to revitalize the police in  Kerala during his two year stint as IG, the opening of the First All Women police Station at Calicut, first of its kind in the world, by the then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi and the First Police Hospital in Trivandrum by V V Giri the then President of India stand out.  These  got Singam a lot of laurels  from both the Government and the police establishment.

After  37 years  of police service and another stint for six years as Member, Union Public Service Commission he retired from service at the age of 65. After retirement he became busy as the Founder editor of the Police Digest which tried to build an enduring bridge between the Police and the public. A gifted writer both in English and Tamil his pen was as mighty as his baton. Both as a person and as a writer he was known for his sense of humour.

A widely travelled man, his hobbies included golf. He was also a regular contributor of articles to leading newspapers and magazines  of the time. He passed away on 10th September, 1994.

 Let  me share with you some interesting anecdotes from the book.


Immediately after graduation,  while he was working in the office of Sri Krishna Iyer,  formerly secretary to the Legislative Assembly and a friend of the family that Singam was persuaded to apply for the job of Deputy Superintendent of Police. Based on tips given to him he had gone for the interview well prepared.

`After the other members of the interview committee had their turn, the Chairman took up the thread and asked, “Why do you want to join the police?”

“Sir, I can give you no better reason than what is inscribed on the King`s police medal”

“ What is inscribed there?”

`To Guard My People”

Though he had not seen the medal Singam had  read a news item in the Hindu which had reported a speech by Sir John Anderson the then Governor of West Bengal in which  he had exhorted the officers and men to follow the motto `To Guard My People` as inscribed in the medal. The answer impressed the interviewing committee. His final interview was with Rajaji who was then the Chief Minister of West Bengal.

Singam was later to recall that both the interviews were examples of model interviews, especially the one with Rajaji, who had conducted it with great decorum, deep understanding and in a deliberate un-hurried manner, sparing an uninterrupted thirty five minutes. His telephones had not rung even once to disturb him and no officer or peon walked in to distract him.

After spending the first year as a Probationer in `Andhra Desa` Singam was posted as ARP ( Air Raid Prevention Officer) Coimbatore between 1938 and 1941.  One day,  when the Governor who was on a visit with his wife , was inspecting the parade along with the Collector of the District in his capacity as the ARP Controller of Coimbatore District, complimented Singam on the impressive strength and enthusiasm of the participants. When he enquired about the strength of the parade he did not have the statement ready nor could he plead ignorance and spoil all the kudos earned for the organization. So Instinctively he told him 1123. Singam later reassured himself that there are occasions when untruth could avoid an embarrassing situation and it is no crime to resort to it. However since that incident he always ensured that he had all the statements ready as it was an essential requisite according to Drill manual.

In the next posting at Mangalore Singam had an interesting encounter with Rajaji who had by then  resigned from Congress. He was visiting Nileshwar, 40 miles away where he was to address a meeting. Singam was asked to supervise the arrangements. Rajaji had already begun his speech when Singam tip toeing occupied a folding wooden chair. Rajaji had the gift of being informal even on a formal occasion. To the surprise of the audience he abruptly stopped his speech and pointing his finger at Singam  remarked,` Young man, I am afraid, you are too heavy for that flimsy chair.” The entire audience burst into friendly laughter. This remark of Rajaji had a sly reference to Singam`s official interview with him immediately after recruitment when he was weighing only 120 lbs. as against the 200 lbs. at that moment. Later in the evening at the rest house Rajaji posed a simple question to him. “Young man! Where is it that you think that our country is heading a few years hence?” As a lay man Singam responded that it would probably have to face the growing menace of the Muslim League. Rajaji differed and said, “ Do not worry about the Muslim League; but remember our country will have to face communism of an extreme type” Events have proved his prophecy. Gandhiji would repeatedly say that Rajaji always saw six months ahead of him. In this case he was seeing ten years ahead.


In his next posting at Salem, in January,1947, there was trouble in the Police lines between Caste Hindus and Harijan constables in drawing water from a well. The SP who  asked Singam to conduct an enquiry had mildly hinted as a devout Hindu he would not like the well to be thrown  open to the non Hindus and that Singam`s  imminent promotion depended on what he recommended. As it was a human problem he sent a report to say that since it was a government well, there should be no discrimination and suggested that the well be thrown open to all the constables without discrimination. Though no orders were passed by the SP based on his report ,  Singam soon found out that his immediate junior had been promoted and he had lost his promotion. While this demoralized him greatly, Indian independence in August,1947, came to his rescue resulting in mass promotion and the restoration of his seniority. While he was getting ready to take over as the SP of North Arcot,  the ruling SP told him that he was not going to North Arcot but to Calcutta to take over as ADC to Rajaji, the first Indian Governor of West Bengal.

It is obvious that Singam had the greatest admiration for Rajaji as can be inferred from the following passage from the book;

`I little imagined that I was destined to join a One Man University…. The subjects prescribed in this one man university were numerous. The main topics were the conquest of anger, probity in administration and financial integrity. Among the subsidiaries were the art of concentration and the evil of courting popularity…….His life was a perfect example of simple living full of decorum and high thinking leading to accomplishments, earning the country`s approbations. He placed truth on the highest pedestal. He was always for the right unmindful of consequences`

Rajaji also had great regards for Singam as can be seen from the following incidents;

Just prior to independence when Lord Mountbatten had to go to London to attend the Queens`s wedding for a duration of three week, Rajaji acted as the Governor General for those weeks and as his ADC Singam also accompanied him to Delhi. The swearing in of the Governor General was fixed for 12 midnight. When Mountbatten`s  Military Secretary showed the programme to Rajaji it was indicated that the British ADC would announce the arrival of the Governor General to the VVIPs assembled in the Hall. Rajaji scored this out in a red pencil and told the military secretary that `The honour of announcing the first Governor General who is an Indian should go to Singaravelu`. Singam had to rehearse over a few times practicing to announce `Shri Chakravarthi Rajagopalachari`. The function over , sipping coffee, Rajaji tickled Singam`s  pride by telling the family members and the staff, “ You know, the honour of announcing the first Indian Governor General to the world went to Singaravelu”

`Rajaji was generally averse to travel in special planes because he felt that passenger planes are regularly serviced and considered them safer. After Mahatma Gandhi`s assassination when Rajaji had to rush to Delhi a seat was reserved for Rajaji on the regular morning flight with great difficulty. However his family insisted that they should also go with him. Rajaji told me,  “Singaravelu, you are coming not because I want you but because the family feels that I will be more secure in your company”

While at Calcutta Raj Bhavan, Singam happened to see off the British ambassador and his consul in the lift. Out of courtesy as he was about to close the self operating lift, the Consul inside closed it a moment quicker as a result of which Singam`s index finger was chipped off. While he was being attended to  by the Military Secretary who was also a surgeon, hearing of the incident, Rajaji walked in and asked if he was alright.

Singam told him, “with the bit of the finger lost I am feeling lighter”

“Oh! You can also be humorous in a moment of pain` said Rajaji. Later whenever he had to introduce Singam to his colleagues or friends he would remark “ Singaravelu had even shed blood for me”.

When Rajaji was acting  Governor General, Mrs Sarojini Naidu happened to visit Rashtrapathi Bhavan. He showed her the throne room and other rooms including the spacious bed room. As he entered the bedroom Rajaji observed, “Look what a huge bed for such a small man?”. Not to be outwitted, she sweetly replied “ Rajaji, I have no objection to give you company.”

There are many such interesting anecdotes relating to Rajaji in the book.


The first challenge that Singam faced as soon as he took over as the Police Commissioner in Chennai was the transport strike by the transport drivers. His deft handling of the situation with minimum force received appreciation from the then chief minister.

Introduction of Mobile Courts to deal with petty offences on the spot received appreciation from Mr.Parker, Los Angels Police chief who was on a visit to Madras. He called it an innovation and even posed for a photograph in front of the Mobile Court vehicle.

The next big challenge Singam faced was the Anti Hindi agitation by the school and college students. On 27th January,1965, as a mark of protest against imposition of Hindi all the schools and colleges in the city staged hartal and marched towards the Secretariat as though to capture it. They were stopped at the war memorial, 200 yards away. It was by now 4 pm. Playing on the psychology of the students, word was sent to the students that if they wished to return home, police vans would be available. Students could not believe it. Since there was an underlying fear that the students might damage the police van or even set fire to police vehicles, a police constable was sent with the van. About 50 boys got into the van and they were dropped at the Triplicane bus stand. Since  the van returned safely more vans were deployed  to clear the students. As the vans were moving the students started chanting, `Down, Down Hindi, Up, Up Police!` A very tense situation on that day was thus tactfully handled.

Gradually trouble spread to the districts . A whispering campaign started to say that certain top officials had been arrested. All the urchins from the slum areas moved into main roads, stopped passing vehicles and stoned them….Over 3000 urchins were rounded up and kept in the compound of the Police Commissioner`s office… Lest the police should be accused of adopting third degree methods, after giving them  a talk they were assembled in `twos` facing each other. They were given a cane each and one boy was asked to give 12 cuts to the other and there after the other boy was to return those 12 strikes. Then they were sent home with their parents who had come to collect them. A British woman who had come to collect her cook`s son remarked, “Well, the police are not beating them. So they cannot be accused of adopting third degree methods.” She also agreed that those urchins deserved that treatment.


During Singam`s tenure in the Intelligence Bureau in Bangalore his problem was to locate a house. The then IG of Police was a consummate gentleman. He found him a house on the prestigious Infantry road in front of the office of the Deputy Commissioner of Police ( Traffic). After he had inspected the house and approved it, one of the ministers of the Mysore State cast an eye on it. But later Singam gathered that the IG of Police sowed the seeds of superstition in the minister`s mind saying that it was a haunted house and that policeman alone could live in it. The minister`s family gave up the idea of occupying the house and Singam got it.

A good friend of Singam, Sundaramurthy owned a rich library. From experience he had found that loaned books had a way of never returning. One day he told Singam that he had invented a method  against friends borrowing his books`

” Even you, Singam,” he observed, “will refuse to accept, if I lend you one”. When Singam checked the books he found that all of them had been rubber stamped `This book is stolen from the house of Mr.Sundaramurthy!`


Though he was reluctant to take over the job of I G of Police, Kerala at the fag end of his police career, it is in that job that he held for two years that Singam made a huge impact on the people. His innovative ideas were appreciated by both the government and the public.

His  first act after taking office was to appoint a Deputy Superintend of police as the Public relations Officer. It helped bring the police and the press closer.

Four weeks later there was a land grab agitation by the Marxists led by A.K.Gopalan. After making all the arrangements Singam went in his civilian dress and mingled with the crowd to watch `Operation Land Grab`. The police had a tough time to keep the surging crowd under check. Often they had to push the front line and appeal to them to go backwards. On one occasion Singam who was in the crowd also had to step back. The Press obviously had noticed it. Next day all Malayam dailies carried the headline,` I.G.obeys a constable`

The Marxists were extremely anti-police. It was difficult for police officers in uniform to travel alone unless they did so in numbers or escorted. Singam found an opportunity to improve declining relations. One day the Marxist leader A.K.Gopalan rang up Singam to complain about some matters of importance. It was a loud and angry voice at the other end followed by incessant coughing. When Singam enquired the leader about his health he replied, `You know I have heart problems and if I have to go to your office, I have to climb stairs.” Seizing the opportunity when Singam offered to visit the leader in his home, he couldn`t believe it. That evening when he visited the leader`s home he was received warmly. The leader also registered his complaint with Singam. The prompt action that Singam took in the matter made the Malayalam papers report with the headline` I.G.calls on ailing Gopalan and takes prompt action on his complaint`. This had a marvelous effect on the Marxist workers and sympathizers who started feeling that the police after all is not that bad. It was a deliberate effort in therapeutic functions.

Inspired by the success story of  Maryland police who sent Xmas greetings to the citizens in their area and found the response from the public very encouraging, Singam decided to implement a similar idea in Cochin. With the help of a business man he put up banners with the message `Kerala Policemen wish You a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year` in all important junctions of  Cochin. On January January,1st among the first to see them was the Chief Minister of Kerala whose reaction was quick and favourable. This idea was repeated during Onam and later on Id Day conveying Id greetings.

During his stay Onam festival coincided with the Independence day. Having learnt that the all the Superintendents of police had been mainly preoccupied with departmental enquiries to the neglect of their other important day to day functions, Singam decided on the eve of Onam that year to declare amnesty to all those cases except those involving corruption and moral turpitude. Over 2700 enquiries ranging from buttons not polished to overstaying leave were closed to the relief of large number of personnel many of whom had been under suspension for periods varying from six months to one year. Not only the News papers but political leaders also called it `I.G.`s ONAM GIFT`

As already mentioned the starting of the All Women Police station, two months before he relinquished office was Singam`s single biggest contribution to the Policing in the country. Considered to be first of its kind not only in India but perhaps in the world, the police station was inaugurated by then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi in Cochin. All Women Police Stations had counselors attached which encouraged women to visit such stations with their problems. Another reform , greatly applauded by the public was the manning of  the traffic points by attractively attired police women. These police women were trained in batches in the local hospital not only in First Aid but also to attend to emergency delivery cases.

Post retirement from the police force Singam spent six years as the member of Union Public Service commission where also he left his indelible mark.


The book is published by Creative Workshop based in Chennai as a hard cover edition which is available only for family and friends. However, the paper back edition of the book for the public is expected to be available soon.

(Published in the Madras Musings issues  in March,2022 in two parts.)