Sunday, November 15, 2020


Diwali time is also the time to eagerly look forward to reading  the  Deepavali  Malars ( Diwali special issues ) from many Tamil magazines. A phenomenon unique to South India  , these special issues are popular among old timers even today.( I am not sure if  youngsters read them). During the period I was heading my ad agency Anugrah Madison, I decided to present  the staff  in all our clients` offices, especially  those with whom the agency was interacting on a daily basis,  a set of Diwali Malars of the year as the agency`s Diwali gift. The  Senior most  in the client`s office would  get a set of four different Malars, the middle  level  three and the junior most would get two Malars. The  gesture was very much appreciated by the recipients  of the gift. One particular year due to budget constraints we decided not to send any Diwali gifts. There was a hue and cry from many clients. It seemed every year the Diwali Malars were eagerly looked forward to by the spouses and other  seniors in the families receiving the gift. It is then I realized the value of Diwali Malars as a leisurely reading material among the seniors.

 I am continuing this interesting idea in a different format post retirement. Every Diwali  I buy all the Diwali Malars available in the market. After browsing through them,  I make sets of two Malars each and distribute them among identified Octogenarian relatives and friends , who eagerly look forward to this gesture from me . I give them  two weeks time to read the Malars. After they finish reading one set I replace them with another set. The rotation goes on until they finish reading all the Diwali  Malars. The whole process takes three to four months bringing immense joy to the identified people.  Seeing them happy makes me happy! My biggest reward? The blessings I receive from all of them. As I have repeatedly said `Divine grace and Elder`s blessings` keep me going in life!


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