I am posting this piece on 5th January 2021, which marks the Eighth anniversary of Prabha’s demise. People don`t ask me any more `How is life without wife`. Instead many appreciate my adapting to the changed circumstances, continuing to celebrate my life. Though I have got used to a life without the dominant presence of a partner, I continue to feel Prabha’s spirit in every room of my home, which she looked after passionately throughout her life. As a tribute to her memory I am trying to maintain the house as neatly as possible within my capabilities. In spite of the loving care I receive from my children and siblings, during times when I am ill, lying in bed alone I do miss the minute to minute loving care that only a life partner can give and which a spouse can demand. I do miss the shouting matches we used to have , sometimes on silly issues. I miss her regular admonishing me for messing the home and for trying to help her in the kitchen when she didn`t want any help; or for buying items from the department stores which were not in her list. I miss her sorely when I am travelling in family groups where I am the only one without a life partner accompanying me. However, Prabha makes up for her physical absence by regularly appearing in my dreams. Besides, Prabha Rajan Talent Foundation
( PRTF) which I
started in her memory keeps me busy with activities which help in bringing
talented women with creative abilities to lime light.
During 2020, though
many of the planned new activities could not be held because of the
restrictions imposed by the pandemic, I am happy that PRTF could help Mrs
Kanaka Sharma, a 93 year old lady who started writing only when she was 90,realise
her dream of seeing her short stories in print. A collection of her short
stories was published in a book form with active help from Mrs Girija Raghavan,
Editor of Ladies Special magazine, who also ensured that
Mrs Sharma was interviewed in her `women stars` programme on You Tube which had
almost 2000 views bringing Mrs Sharma immense joy and recognition. My reward for all the efforts was the Hearty Blessings I received from her
besides proving my belief that age is no barrier for pursuing your passion.
On this day I pledge that I will continue with
activities to perpetuate Prabha`s
memory, as long as I am able and active.
Hopefully 2021 will witness a special programme from PRTF.
Wishing all my friends
on FB a Very Happy New Year!
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