Sunday, March 2, 2025

An embarrassing experience

 This happened a couple of days ago. Whenever I am in Chennai, if I am having lunch at home, I send the following message on  WhatsApp to my daughter-in-law who lives on the first floor of my independent home-   `Please give me whatever you are having for lunch`. As soon as I sent the message, she came to see me to tell me what she had done.  I thought she was responding to my message. I was happy and went to have my usual pre-lunch siesta, putting my mobile on silent mode. When I woke up and switched on my mobile, I was surprised to see several missed calls from a friend`s wife. When I called her, she screamed at me ``Where are you? We have been trying to reach you for the last 30 minutes without luck. Hope you are ok? As per your message, I have only cooked a simple meal and eagerly waiting for you to join us for lunch

I retorted, `I never sent you any message. My daughter-in-law has already kept my lunch on my dining table. Besides I am tired, I am in no mood to go out.`

She promptly forwarded the message I sent her. Immediately I realized that the same message was what I had sent my daughter-in-law. When I checked my daughter-in-law`s WA page , I found my message missing and found it on my friend`s WA page. I had inadvertently sent the message to my friend instead of my daughter-in-law. I immediately called my friend, profusely apologized for the big goof up, and promised to reach their home in the next ten minutes to have lunch with them. I decided to have the lunch given by my daughter-in-law for dinner and rushed to my friend`s place, a five-minute drive from my place.

When I reached their home, they told me how they were worried that something serious had happened to me and were planning to visit me to physically find out if I needed any help.  I cringed and felt like going under the table. I once again apologized. I had a hearty meal and spent some pleasant time with the couple.

All's well that ends well.

PS: Always double-check the mobile to ensure that your messages are reaching the right person. Imagine some very personal information meant for a near and dear one reaching the wrong person! It will also help to make a correction if the prompter in the mobile used a wrong word instead of what you intended to.



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