Sunday, July 23, 2017

Down `photo` lane

   The old photo album is a  treasure trove of memories. The other day I was going through an old family album featuring photos of my siblings & I in our childhood. There were the mandatory photos taken when we were three months old, just after we had learned to turn on our stomachs. All of us staring at the camera with a frightened look and with a  black `kajol` dot on our cheeks to ward off the evil eye. For the same reason that   parents were not allowed to take photos of kids until they were three months old.
The next one showed all of us standing at different angles, probably when we were one year old. Except for my sister, who was wearing a `jaddi`,  all the male siblings were in our birthday suits! I also discovered separate albums for each one of us tracing our growth from childhood to our marriage. Marriage albums those days were with black sheets of paper bound in  black hard cover featuring black & white  photos pasted in position with four corner stickers. If you wanted to remove a picture from the album, it had to be torn off as it was not meant to be removed from the album.

I was thrilled to see a photo taken when I was four years old, clad in a pyjama /kurtha with my long hair tied  into a bun with flowers tucked in.  The photo was taken a couple of days before my family`s visit to Tirupathi to have my first `Mottai ( Mundan) , as was customary in our family. I also found thousands of loose photos taken on various occasions packed in different envelops or as inserts in transparent plastic albums.

Fast forward to modern times. Though I could not find any of the albums featuring my children`s photographic history ( as they were thoughtfully given away to them by my late  wife after their marriages) I did find a few photos taken during the time when my eldest daughter presented us with our  first grandson. There were  pictures taken showing my daughter lying on her back in a maternity hospital with a big protruding  tummy; the new born baby in the hands of my son-in law and a  beaming picture of my daughter with a deflated stomach  with her child next to her. This was twenty years ago. These days it has become customary for young parents  to record on their mobile cameras the minute to minute action before & after delivery of a baby and instantly share the same on their `Whats App` groups. I shudder to think of the day when some over enthusiastic young father (who is  allowed inside the delivery room if it is a normal delivery) decides to share the photo of the child coming out of the womb.  

Even the marriage albums with the accompanying video CDs have become lavish affairs. I am told that some families with deep pockets hire a photographer to accompany the newly married couple on their honeymoon so that the memories of the young couple cavorting in different places and situations can be captured for posterity.  Seems fine so long as it does not include their bedroom! 

 As an old timer I feel that the sheer  joy of browsing through old albums and going down memory lane can never be replaced by the thousands of instant photographs taken on mobiles which are forgotten after they are shared on` Whats App` groups`!

(This article has appeared in Adyar Times issue dated 23-29th July,2017 under my column `Rajan`s Random Reflections`. If you like it please share it with your friends)

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