Saturday, June 29, 2024

Good Bye Rotary!

Today (30th June 2024) is my last day as a Rotarian. From tomorrow I will become an ex-Rotarian.  I bid goodbye to Southerners, members of the Rotary Club of Madras South ((RCMS), the second oldest club in Chennai, where I was a member for the last 47 years. Goodbye to Rotary as I don`t intend to join any Rotary club in Coimbatore where I am settled now.  While I shared the details of my deep involvement with RCMS in an earlier posting, this article is an attempt to record some useful lessons I learned as a Rotarian to benefit young Rotarians or those who want to join  Rotary;

 When you join a Rotary Club you become a part of an international service organization with members spread worldwide. You are privileged to be a Rotarian because you are a leader in your chosen vocation.

Though the Rotary motto is `Service above self`, remember your family comes first, followed by your vocation and only then  Rotary.

Rotary helps improve your social standing besides offering opportunities to serve society through different avenues of services.

Join Rotary only if you have the time and resources but don't expect any rewards immediately in terms of new business opportunities  etc. First participate in the activities which interest you with total commitment. The rewards will be the satisfaction you get in successfully implementing a project and the appreciation you get from fellow Rotarians. Participate in all fellowship activities, especially family get-togethers,  outstation trips or any group activities.

Participation in community service activities and fellowship activities helps you to bond with other members leading to some of them becoming your lifelong friends.  These friends will be available to you in your hours of crisis and could become a part of your support system.

When you are running your own business or heading a company as an employee you are looked up as a boss who must be obeyed. It is different when you become the President of a club. The leadership training that Rotary offers is unique. You cannot order people to work for you. You have to persuade them to help you in implementing your dream projects. Remember they are all leaders in their vocations and must be treated as equals and not as subordinates.

Meticulous planning of events, finding the right person for the right job, empowering  them, and following a democratic process in decision-making are secrets of successful Presidents

Even If you have finished your term as President, you can continue to offer help to ruling Presidents. But don`t try to force your ideas on them but support them in whatever way you can. Allow young Rotarians to experiment with new ideas. Never underestimate the power of youth. As a senior, you must know when to let go and allow the younger generation to take over.

Active involvement in Rotary at the District and International levels helps to enlarge your network of friends, which enables you to help people in need.

If you aspire to move up the ladder in the Rotary world and want to become a District Governor or a Rotary International Director, remember you need deep pockets besides associates who can help you run your business when you are busy with Rotary.

Enjoy Rotary as I did for the last 47 years. I am leaving this great organization with a sense of satisfaction that I could contribute my bit to my club and in turn receive the love and affection of families of  Southerners. Some of my best friends today are Southerners- present or past!


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